Project: | Private residence, Bern |
Architect: | Stephan Probst + Partner AG, 3011 Bern |
Lift Type: | EMCH Master, rope mechanical |
Originally a brewery, this building now serves as a residential property with entry points to the front and rear of the house. The new lift provides barrier-free access to the property’s residential floors from the basement level. To make sure the corridor beyond would still receive ample natural light, it was decided to install the shaft inside the building, running along the windowed façade wall. The lift’s doors are made from glass. The historic stonework in the building’s lower levels and antique timber framing in its upper reaches complicated matters in terms of load transmission and noise transfer – but EMCH Elevators worked closely with the civil engineer and urban heritage conservation experts to find the right solution.
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Bern | Zurich +41 31 997 98 99
Fault clearance service +41 840 990 990
Fellerstrasse 23 | Postfach 302 | 3027 Bern