Abbey church, Bellelay

Project: Abbatiale de Bellelay
Architect: Henri Mollet architecte
Lift type: hydraulic backpack drive

According to legend, the monastery was founded in 1136 by Siginand, a provost of Moutier-Grandval Abbey. It is said that the monks from Bellelay invented the ‘Tête de Moine’ (monk’s head) cheese. Cheese production in the abbey is mentioned for the first time in 1192. As the abbey’s means of payment, it spread throughout the region. Today, the Bellelay Abbey Foundation is concerned with enhancing the historic site and its organs.


The installation of a lift in the north tower, which provides access to the various levels, has made the abbey church wheelchair accessible since 2014. The new lift was inserted into the eye of the existing wooden staircase. Since the tower is unheated, the lift must be able to withstand various climatic conditions. To ensure that it has as little impact as possible on the spatial effect in the tower, the lift shaft is made of glass and the metal structure is reduced to a minimum.

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