Hotel la Réserve Eden au Lac Zurich

Project: Hotel La Réserve Eden au Lac Zurich
Architect: Philippe Starck Paris
Lift type: cable mechanical with drive at the bottom on the side

For over 110 years, the neo-baroque building of the Hotel Eden au Lac has been an important landmark on the right bank of Lake Zurich. The building is not particularly large, but the impressive dome with its attached lantern sets it off effectively in the long row of buildings. What you don't suspect from the outside: under the dome is now an imaginary yacht club – the result of Philippe Starck’s latest renovation of the traditional building. The ‘yacht club’ under the dome is accessed from the ground floor by a glass lift in the eye of the historic staircase. As the backbone of the building, the lift stages the way from the bottom to the top – from the hall through the floors of rooms to the roof – in several ways: those who ride it upwards catch a glimpse of the individual floors and, above all, of the coloured glass pictures designed by Starck’s daughter Ara. Those who prefer to take the stairs will experience the spatial sensation of climbing up the wide wooden staircase on the upper floors.

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