The special is commonplace with us, because we have specialized in elevator systems with extraordinary requirements. Individuality is our strength, innovation our motivation. In the technology, but also in the design and in terms of our services. Continuous further development is part of our everyday life - but we still remain true to traditional values. And manufacture our products from A to Z completely ourselves. EMCH stands for Swiss quality down to the smallest detail - and has done so for over 140 years.
As the largest independent SME in Switzerland with our own production, we can respond to every customer requirement and offer optimal solutions. We use the highest quality components of the elevator market. From cost-effective, individually customizable standard systems to individually manufactured one-of-a-kind products with special functions according to your design ideas. You will be amazed at what we can do for you.
Our product line for exclusive passenger elevators fulfills the highest visual and qualitative demands, and there are no limits to your creativity. Play with shapes, colors and materials. You determine the lift technology and the shaft dimensions. And if you wish, we can build the complete shaft frame for you.
We have specialized in lift systems with extraordinary requirements and we develop special solutions for all conceivable applications. From the inclined elevator to the rotating car elevator. Explosion protection, fire protection, clean room requirements or earthquake safety. Confront us with your special challenge!
Our experience from more than 140 years of plant construction shows - Often the lift modernization is preferable to a replacement system. Our experts quickly recognize whether renovation of your old lift makes sense. And possibly even a step-by-step implementation is conceivable. Benefit from our experience!
With a comprehensive lift renovation, it is possible to achieve today's safety standards without any problems. Regardless of age, manufacturer and type of elevator. The legal standards are met again, comfort is optimized and, if desired, adapted to today's design expectations. Thus the past lives on - at the latest technical state of the art. . Exemplary for everyday and unfortunately, rare climate (resource) conscious- repair and restore instead of tearing out and building anew.
• Maintaining the value of the existing lift installation
• Increase safety
• Increase comfort
• Increase reliability
A building changes with the needs of its users. Often, due to changed or new uses, adjustments to the lift are necessary. No problem - we can also adapt your elevator to the changed needs. And this also applies to lifts of other manufacturers. Tell us your adaptation request. We will be happy to make you a proposal.
• Adding more floors up and down
• Adaptation of payload
• Adaptation of landing doors
• Refreshment and adaptation of the appearance
We recommend a replacement unit when the existing cabin is too small, or the desired payload can not be met by a conversion. Our current models for a lift replacement combine maximum cabin sizes with optimal ride comfort. We can flexibly respond to your structural framework conditions.
Whether restaurant, manufacturing plant, warehouse, commercial property or residential building - retrofitting an elevator installation is in most cases more complex than for a new building. The existing substance and structure require an optimized solution. This is exactly how we have developed our products!
A perfect lift solution starts with the right concept. Our lift architects design and plan individual elevators that stand out both qualitatively and visually. In our manufactory, we guarantee first-class implementation. From the first to the last planning step. With a flawless production in Bern and an efficient assembly on site. Thanks to many years of experience and continuous development, we will also find the best lift for your situation and open up new aesthetic and technical possibilities.
With EMCH Service, we guarantee you absolute operational reliability - also for other brands. Our good name and our many highly trained service specialists have stood for this since 1880. We work with the most modern control and maintenance methods to keep your elevator reliably in motion. And if your elevator should ever stop, you can rely on our 24-hour on-call service. And this 365 days a year, regardless of your chosen service contract. We are there for you personally and maintain your lift preventively and sustainably. Just lean back - your elevator is also our elevator.
Regular maintenance is an important prerequisite for the safety, comfort and value retention of your elevator system. EMCH Service is the simple solution for all needs. Benefit from precisely tailored services that are exactly to your needs. Choose between our three service models. So you can use your elevator system safely and relaxed.
During the normal life cycle of an elevator system, maintenance work as well as repairs are needed. With our own mechanics department at our headquarters in Berne, we are in a position to respond quickly and uncomplicated, even in extraordinary circumstances.
Every EMCH is and remains in contact. With a powerful and state-of-the-art emergency call system. The intercom system in your elevator car is connected to our operations center around the clock. This guarantees the swift arrival of our EMCH service technician at your site.
Perfectly designed, competently planned. Successful planning begins with a comprehensive clarification of the needs and framework conditions. Depending on the installation situation and usage requirements, our lift architects define the appropriate drive technology and other components such as controls and door system. The right choice has a decisive influence on the operating cost and the service life of an elevator. After all, how good a lift is the true value of lift, becomes apparent over time.
Contact us as early as the pre-project phase and let us support you in your project. We rely on direct contact with the client and their planners and engineers. This speeds up the process and creates a clear foundation.
«EMCH has an open ear for the concerns of architects. Does that perhaps have something to do with the fact that the Emch crew are people who are architects themselves? They understand that, especially with renovations and listed buildings, the shaft geometries are often mandatory and almost always extremely tight. And yet EMCH has still managed to achieve an optimum with cleverideas and, incidentally, to build beautiful lifts. I have never heard the word "impossible" in this context.» Martin & Elisabeth Boesch
Architects ETH SIA BSA, Zurich
«Der hängende, vollverglaste Lift in derAlkoholverwaltung Bern, ausschliesslich auf Zug beansprucht, stellte 1995 dieaussergewöhnliche Innovationskraft der Ingenieure von EMCH unter Beweis. Technische und handwerkliche Meisterschaft verbinden sich zu einer zeitlosen ästhetischen Kraft. Als es darum ging, eine Verbindung zwischen der Kirchenfeldbrücke und dem Schwellenmätteli zu skizzieren, erfand das unter Architekten hochgeschätzte Berner Unternehmen einen – leider nicht ausgeführten – Bogenlift, der den halbkreisförmigen Bögen der Brücke folgte. Futuristisch und atemberaubend, der Zeit weit voraus.» Rolf Mühlethaler, Architekt BSA SIA, Bern
«Mich fasziniert die Arbeitsweise der Firma EMCH. Schon während der ersten Sitzungen machen sich die Beteiligten das Projekt zu eigen und setzen alles daran, die Vorstellungen und Ideen des Gegenübers zu verwirklichen. Bei EMCH gibt es kein No-Go; immersteht die gemeinsame Suche nach der besten Lösung im Vordergrund. Daran hat sich während meines Berufslebens nichts geändert – seit gut 25 Jahrenprofitiere ich in der Zusammenarbeit mit EMCH von der Begeisterung, der Professionalität und den reibungslosen Abläufen.» Martin Gsteiger, dipl. Archtekt HTL SIA,3B Architekten AG, Bern
«EMCH passt zu mir. Die Fachleute sindwie ich daran interessiert, für jedes Projekteine spezifische, originäre Lösung zu entwickeln und nicht einfachheitshalber frühere Ausfertigungen zu kopieren. Für EMCH und mich gibt es jeden Lift nur ein einziges Mal. Diese Offenheit gegenüber Neuem, diese Freude an Innovationen und diese Bereitschaft, Versuche zu wagen, überzeugen mich. Gemeinsam gelingen Produkte, die den technischen Anforderungen eines Baus genügen und mit meiner Architektursprache harmonieren.» Tilla Theus, Architektin ETH/SIA/BSA, Zürich
«Vom Amtshaus Bern zum Swisscom Businesspark in Ittigen – zwei Generationen Glaslifte: Im Jahr 1980 entwickelte unser Büro mit EMCH für das Amtshaus Bern, an der markanten baulichen Schnittstelle zwischen dem Alt- und dem Neubau, den Prototyp des allerersten Glaslifts in der Schweiz. Der Glaslift setzte dort für die vertikale Verbindung in der Anlage ein signifikantes Zeichen und erleichterte den Besuchern die Orientierung im Haus. Diese in all ihren Facettengelungene Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma EMCH konnten wir 32 Jahre - eine ganze Generation - später mit Bernhard Emch bei den Glasliften im Swisscom Businesspark Ittigen weiterführen. Auch hier ging es wieder darum, der vertikalen Verbindung im zentralen Atrium des Gebäudes einen angemessenen Ausdruck zu verleihen und die Fahrt im Lift zu einem kleinen Erlebnis werden zu lassen. Diese erneute Zusammenarbeit hat zu einem grossartigen architektonischen und ästhetisch bis ins letzte Detail ausgereiften Ergebnis geführt. Wir sind gespannt auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit, vielleicht mit der nächsten Generation.»
«Als innovativer Architekt bin ich aufkompetente Spezialisten angewiesen.Die Zusammenarbeit mit EMCH ist immerhervorragend. Neue, unkonventionelleIdeen werden aufgenommen undmit grossem Fachwissen konstruktivweiterentwickelt und umgesetzt.Sowohl in der Projektierung als auch inder Realisierung ist EMCH für mich einwichtiger Projektpartner.» Andreas Ramseier, Ramseier & Associates Ltd., Zürich
«Das Besondere ist bei uns alltäglich, denn wir haben uns auf Liftanlagen mit aussergewöhnlichen Anforderungen spezialisiert.»
Einen Lift zu montieren, ist wie ein anspruchsvollesPuzzle. Einmal, in Oetwil am See bei Zürich, war mein Auftrag, einen runden Glaslift einzubauen. Ich bekam eine Kiste mit Material. Der Bauleiter fragte mich, was das sei. «Das isch dr Lift.» Der glaubte das nicht,aber ich begann, das Ganze Schritt für Schrittzusammenzubauen. Er staunte. Fritz Wittwer (seit 1989 Monteur)
Already since 1880 we plan and realize as a family business in the 4th generation, we have been designing high-quality lift systems for every situation – from passenger lifts to car lifts, for private individuals as well as for the hotel industry or the production sector. Every single component is manufactured in our lift factory in Bern. It is important to us that you benefit from reliable Swiss quality. As lift architects with passion, we give you the promise: No lift is impossible.
Bernhard Emch, Managing Director
Hansjürg Emch, Chairman of the Board of Directors
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